AudioQuest - Perch Headphone Stand

99 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)
Lieferzeit: 5-7 Tage

Art.Nr.: AQ-4900898978-PH
Hersteller: AudioQuest


AudioQuest is pleased to present Perch—a headphone stand ideal for safely storing and displaying NightHawk, NightOwl, and other headphones. With its heavy base of die-cast zinc, tall strong steel frame, and curved eco-leather headband support, Perch provides an attractive, structurally sound foundation for any headphone, regardless of earcup size, headband construction, or cable length.


Perch provides an attractive, structurally sound foundation for any headphone.


Many popular headphone stands are designed a way that causes the accompanying headphone to hang askew or forces the headband to open wide, thereby gradually misshaping the headpad and earpads, and placing undue tension on the headband. Over time, such headphone stands can actually harm their accompanying headphone, straining the important ergonomic elements that contribute to comfort and wearability.

Perch, however, allows the headphone to rest naturally, evenly distributing its weight across the entire headpad, never placing stress on the band, and ultimately preserving the headphone’s structural integrity. Further, unlike other designs that require the owner use two hands merely to place or remove headphones, Perch’s design allows for simple one-handed access.

Perch Requires No Assembly. Just Add Headphones.

Perch Headphone Stand

  • Easily and safely accommodates all headphones
  • High-quality materials
  • Heavy base provides stability

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2621 White Road
CA 92614 Irvine
Vereinigte Staaten

Tel: +1 949-585-0111


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