Vitus Audio - SL-103

 36.000 €
 36.000 €
36.000 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)

Art.Nr.: vitus-sl-103
Hersteller: Vitus Audio

The dawn brings the scent of a new day. The rippling water of the ocean reveals valuable opportunities. What to choose? The cabin exudes a magical integration of luxury. What about the perfect balance between untouched nature, your pure individuality and the sheer dynamism of an exceptional yacht? Or do you tend to the feeling of raw and brute force of the engines, which deliver brilliant performance? Why limit yourself with choices? You have the freedom to enjoy everything. For one split second your mind wonders off. Resolutely you fire up the engines and head for the open sea. You're sailing right into the direction of the SL-103 Line Stage.

All the seawater flows to the endless musical ocean of Vitus Audio…

The Masterpiece Series has been the internal road map for quiet some years at Vitus Audio. Our engineers have spent a long time developing the two chassis MP-L201 supreme line stage. After this big achievement, it was clear that the team had to take a serious look at a replacement for the SL-101 and SL-102 Line Stage. They didn’t expect that the improvement in performance would be so dramatic. After hours of refining a brand new design was born, based on the technologies of the renowned MP-L201. All our line stages contain a full bypass feature. This allows external surround processors to take full control of the volume, when used in a multichannel system. The SL-103 Line Stage is a true balanced design. This extreme unit offers 2 unbalanced and 3 balanced inputs and outputs. Vitus Audio provides the internal wiring with Andromeda

Integration, balance, performance. Three words that best describe the essence of the SL-103 Line Stage.

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Kontaktinformationen des Herstellers für Fragen zur Produktsicherheit oder Compliance

Vitus Audio

Grimhøjvej 12
8800 Viborg

Tel: +45 8660 4400


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