Vitus Audio - RI-101 mk.II

 18.250 €
 18.250 €
18.250 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)

Art.Nr.: vitus-ri-101
Hersteller: Vitus Audio

It’s still early in the morning. You feel the first warming rays of the sun on your skin, while she appears on the horizon. Dew fills the racetrack with a mysterious glow. Test engineers remove the cloth of their creation. The silhouette of their statement cuts through the fog. Razor sharp. Ready to surprise everyone, to exceed his or her expectations. A moment of absolute silence. The world stands still, just for a brief moment. You can feel your heart beating. You’ve been living up to this moment. A loud roar brings you back to reality and it never looked and felt so good. You are right on track with the RI-101 Integrated Amplifier.

Time for a musical triumph…

Setting a new standard for sound quality at the price point. That goal was achieved with flying colors by our engineers. Now you can understand why we called our most accessible range the ‘Reference Series’. The first product of our Reference Series is an immediate game changer. Look at the impeccable build quality. Have every confidence in the musical abilities of the RI-101 Integrated Amplifier. Your musical masters are in the best hands. We invite you to take your first steps into the magical world of true musical performance. Whenever you’re ready, you can expand this beautiful amplifier with a phonostage, DAC and headamp, making it the control center of your musical experience.

Expressivity, emotion, finesses. Three words that best describe the essence of the RI-101 Integrated Amplifier.

Informationen zum sicheren Umgang mit dem Produkt

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Kontaktinformationen des Herstellers für Fragen zur Produktsicherheit oder Compliance

Vitus Audio

Grimhøjvej 12
8800 Viborg

Tel: +45 8660 4400


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