Balanced Audio Technology - VK-80i Vollverstärker

 12.500 €
 12.500 €
12.500 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)
Lieferzeit: 5-7 Tage

Art.Nr.: bat-vk80i
Hersteller: BAT (Balanced Audio Technologie)

6C33C-B Triode Output Tubes with Fully Balanced Signal Path
Delivering 55 watts per channel, VK-80i uses four 6C33C-B triode output tubes for power delivery. They offer many times the current delivery of the 6550/KT90 tetrode tube variant used in most traditional tube integrated amplifiers. In addition to driving even difficult low-impedance speaker loads, the all-triode fully balanced design provides a natural portrayal of harmonic texture and instrumental timbre. Your recordings will sound more alive while simultaneously yielding greater finesse, grace, and inner detail.

“Fuse-less” Protection Circuit 
In the event an output tube becomes over-stressed, all you need to do is turn VK-80i off and on again to restore normal operation. That’s it. The elimination of internal fuses also contributes to a greater sense of ease and more natural reproduction of music. Also, the fuse-less protection circuit is combined with a world-class automatic-bias circuit that eliminates the constant need to set and readjust the proper bias of the output tubes. No tubes to bias. No tube fuses to replace. 

Intelligent Auto-Bias Design Makes Operation a Cinch
The advanced engineering within VK-80i eliminates the traditional headache associated with most vacuum-tube power amplifiers—specifically, the constant need to set and readjust the proper bias of the output tubes. VK-80i features an intelligent automatic-bias design that adjusts for changing line voltage and aging tubes, with each output tube having its own dedicated bias circuit. The auto-bias circuit also ensures your VK-80i sounds wonderful within the first few minutes of listening. 

  • Output per channel at 8Ω/4Ω: 55W
  • THD at full power: 3%
  • Frequency response: 8Hz to 200kHz
  • Input impedance: 215 kΩ
  • Tube complement: 4x6SN7, 4x6C33C-B
  • Power Consumption: 400W idle, 800W full power
  • Remote included: Yes – all metal
  • Signal inputs: 1 XLR, 3 RCAs
  • Volume control: Resistive ladder, 90 steps, 1dB per step
  • Dimensions (cm): 44 x 21 x 41
  • Weight: 21kg

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Kontaktinformationen des Herstellers für Fragen zur Produktsicherheit oder Compliance

Balanced Audio Technology

1300 First State Blvd., Suite A
19804 Wilmington
Vereinigte Staaten

Tel: +1 302-999-8855


Mehr Artikel von: BAT (Balanced Audio Technologie)

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