Music First Audio - Senlac SJE Monoblocks 100 Watt

6.995 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)
Lieferzeit: 5-7 Tage

Art.Nr.: 3949-SENLAC-24999
Hersteller: Music First Audio

The Senlac SJE monoblocks are the result of several years of investigation into what makes a good audio amplifier. The core concept, we call ” complex simplicity ”


Product Name: Senlac SJE. Senlac after the hill just outside Hastings that William of Normandy marched to in October 1066 to fight King Harold Godwinson. The hill is only a few miles for the Music First Audio workshop. SJE after a good friend of Music First Audio who passed away in June 2017. Stewart James Emmings.

Product description: Class AB 100W SLN.  100 watts of Mosfet power into 8 ohms. 6 watts of class A . Part of the product aim was to continue with the extremely low noise performance of the Music First Audio transformer Pre Amplifiers. SLN = super low noise.


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