Balanced Audio Technology - VK-56SE Röhrenendverstärker

 12.000 €
 22.750 €
 12.000 €
 12.000 €
12.000 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)
Lieferzeit: 5-7 Tage

Art.Nr.: bat-vk56se
Hersteller: BAT (Balanced Audio Technologie)

“Fuse-less” protection circuit for enhanced sound and user-friendly operation
In the event an output tube becomes over-stressed, all you need to do is flip the VK-56SE power switch to restore normal operation. That’s it. In addition, the fuse-less protection circuit in VK-56SE is combined with a world-class automatic-bias circuit that eliminates the constant need to set and readjust the proper bias of the output tubes. No tubes to bias. No tube fuses to replace. It doesn’t get any easier! 

6C33C-B triode output tube and vacuum-tube current sources
Delivering 55 watts per channel in the stereo version or a robust 110 watts per channel in monoblock configuration, VK-56SE uses a 6C33C-B triode output tube that offers many times the current delivery of the 6550/KT90 tube variant used in most traditional tube amplifiers. VK-56SE also incorporates vacuum-tube current sources for the first gain stage to provide an unforgettably soulful portrayal of harmonic texture and instrumental timbre. Your recordings will sound more alive while simultaneously yielding greater finesse, grace, and inner detail.

Intelligent upgrade path
VK-56SE can be upgraded from a stereo to monoblock amplifier at any time and also incorporates an all-new main board that allows for a full upgrade to VK-56SE as well. And by eliminating rail fuses from its design, VK-56SE sounds even more palpable than its acclaimed predecessors by digging deeper into the raw emotional power that bestows music with transcendent grace and absorbing detail.


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Kontaktinformationen des Herstellers für Fragen zur Produktsicherheit oder Compliance

Balanced Audio Technology

1300 First State Blvd., Suite A
19804 Wilmington
Vereinigte Staaten

Tel: +1 302-999-8855


Mehr Artikel von: BAT (Balanced Audio Technologie)

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