Allnic Audio - A 5000 DHT

25.000 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)
Lieferzeit: 5-7 Tage

Art.Nr.: ALL-8876990-NIC
Hersteller: Allnic Audio

A new paradigm on the original foundation of audio reproduction – the direct heated triode (DHT). The Allnic A5000DHT monoblock amplifier has only DHT vacuum tubes in the signal path. What does pure DHT mean for a power amplifier? Silent backgrounds; unmatched clarity, detail, speed, decay and harmonic resolution; immersive and layered sound-staging, with incredible air around instruments and voices; "you are there" sound-staging, clarity and presence; accurate, natural tone and timbre. Wattage means nothing: the A5000 DHT produces unbelievable drive from a single 300B. Simply, like all the 5000 series products, the Allnic A5000DHT will produce as much faithfulness to the source as the rest of your system can provide.

Key Features of the A5000DHT:

  • 10 watts, high power output
  • Direct wired - no circuit boards
  • Sophisticated ratio, mixed nickel Permalloy PB cored output transformers
  • Low distortion, high output "fixed bias"
  • Easy bias adjustment
  • Analogue power tube current monitor meter
  • RCA and balanced inputs
  • 4 and 8 ohm speaker terminals (8 and 16 ohm by pre-order)

The A5000DHT is a perfect match for the L5000 preamplifier and H5000 phono preamplifier but will elevate the performance of any other Allnic system configuration.

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Kontaktinformationen des Herstellers für Fragen zur Produktsicherheit oder Compliance

Allnic Audio

8-14, Yangjae-daero 71-gil
05719 Seoul

Tel: +82 2 406 6590


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