Etsuro Urushi - Cobalt Blue MC-Tonabnehmer

4.800 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Art.Nr.: Cobalt Blue
Hersteller: Etsuro Urushi

The Cobalt Blue uses the Microline tip stylus possessing ideal curvature of 80μm contact surface against the record groove. This contact surface achieved a superior reproduction characteristic.
Cobalt Blue has been created to naturally reproduce the sound cut on the record. Ultra-precise Sapphire pipe material has been introduced for the cantilever.
The remarkable hardness of the sapphire will help reduce distortions and is also superb in the transmission of high speed vibration to create an increasingly clear sound.
The magnetic circuit combined the performance proven samarium cobalt and electromagnetic soft-iron to achieve the magnetic features consistent with the coil vibration. Overall balance and steady sound has been secured. The terminal pin has selected to use rhodium plating.
Extra-super duralumin (A7075) known for its extreme strength among the aluminum alloy has been chosen for both the cartridge housing and the base section. Because of this, the cartridge succeeded to gain overall rigidity to the structure and avoid unnecessary resonance.
In addition to this extreme strength, the Extra-Super Duralumin housing has further been reinforced and handcrafted by the Japanese traditional craft urushi lacquering. This gives the cartridge a superb strength, weight, and a beautiful aesthetic appearance of the cobalt blue color.
The experience and craftsmanship built for over half a century will unlock the door towards the renewed sound of analog record.

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Kontaktinformationen des Herstellers für Fragen zur Produktsicherheit oder Compliance

Etsuro Urushi

1-1-12-101, Shonandai
252-0804 Fujisawa-shi

Tel: +81 466 45 2006


Mehr Artikel von: Etsuro Urushi

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