Reed - 5T Tonarm

15.600 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)
Lieferzeit: 5-7 Tage

Änderung des Finishs auf Anfrage.

Reed 5T is our first appearance in the tangential tonearm domain. Featuring unique design, innovative technological solutions and high quality, and dedicated to a true audio passionate, it is one of the most advanced tonearms we have ever made.

Reed 5T technically is a tangentially tracking pivoted tonearm. It’s working principle is based on Thales’ theorem (if the center of a triangle’s circumcircle lies on the triangle then the triangle is right, and the center of its circumcircle lies on its hypotenuse) and the rule, that given three non-collinear points, it is possible to draw only one circle that has finite radius and passes through all three.

Arm tube suspension system is similar to one used in Reed 2G tonearm, and the tonearm’s turning part is based on low noise thrust-sleeve bearing. For angular rotation of tonearm we designed and built limited rotation sectional torque motor. Tonearm’s position is controlled by laser and linear sensor array.

Reed 5T has user-replaceable arm tube – feature, which allows to change tonearm’s effective mass yourself. Tonearm also has VTA and azimuth adjustments.

Reed 5T has following advantages if compared with pivot tonearms:

Smaller moment of inertia,
No need for anti-skating mechanism,
Max tracking error is +/- 5 Minute of Angle (MOA). (Figure 2). Pivot tonearms usually have max tracking errors up to 1.5 deg.

Reed 5T’s advantages compared to other tangential tonearms:

Few times smaller moment of inertia,
No need for complicated additional devices (air compressor),
Compact and sleek design.
Effective mass in both vertical and horizontal directions is similar

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