NAT Audio - Signature Phono

9.990 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)
Lieferzeit: 5-7 Tage

Art.Nr.: NAT-Signature Phono
Hersteller: NAT Audio

Signature Phono is entirely fully balanced phono stage from input (for MC mode) to output! There is possibility to change from balanced to unbalanced type of operation (on rear panel).

Input AC power is filtered and fully regulated by cord-conditioner separate unit of Signature Phono. Power supply of extremely high energy (over 320J) is used to supply low noise high gain triode tubes! It is tubes of N.O.S. (New Old Stock) grade. Premium industrial type of input power connector is used as well! There is no need to use any additional power cord! Separate cord-conditioner replace power cord in best possible manner! There is internal input main phase detector (detection of L) as well. It is in form of led indicator positioned on separate cord - conditioner chassis!

  • Hand coiled input transformers, output transformers as well as inter-stage chokes (6 separated magnetic per unit) form in Signature Phono simple as possible signal path! Magnetic material that is used inside unit is the best possible by today audiophile standard -nano - crystalline!
  • Special constructed output transformer is reconfigurable from pure single-ended (RCA) to pure balanced (XLR) operation in Signature Phono!
  • Low output types of MC cartridges  are boosted by NAT premium fully balanced hand coiled nano-crystalline set-up transformers.
  • Selectable load resistance (in six step - 50,100,200,500,1k,2k) for the different cartridge is available!
  • Signal-to-noise ratio is excellent due to fact that input MC transformers are almost noiseless!
  • With output impedance of 300 ohms Signature Phono may easy drive any long length interconnect cable.
  • High quality gold plated teflon (PTFE) isolated connectors, both input and output are used.
  • Each Signature Phono is hand crafted and fine adjusted device with burn in test period of min. 100 hours.
  • Quality of electronic components that is used inside Signature Phono are at high level - military grade 0.1% tolerance capacitors, high grade with over of 320J ener

Design Features:
  • vacuum based inverse RIAA network-original approach by NAT
  • absolute zero feedback (unique construction)
  • vacuum tube triode based phono stage
  • 7 (seven) separate inductors - chokes are used inside device
  • very high energy (over 320J) powered supply
  • nuvistor triode of military and N.O.S. grade vacuum tubes (10 tubes/unit)
  • premium nano-crystalline input step-up transformers (fully balanced input capability) (2/unit)
  • premium nano-crystalline inter-stage chokes (2/unit)
  • premium nano-crystalline output transformers (fully balanced output capability) (2/unit)
  • selectable load resistance for different cartridges for MC stage
  • separate cord-conditioner with premium industrial type of power connector
  • soft start operate
  • gold plated PTFE insulated RCA jack with gold plated XLR balanced connectors
  • hand assembled all modulated chassis
  • anodised 0.6"(15mm) thick aluminum front panel
  • extensively used computer numeric control machines (CNC)

Technical Specifications:
  • Frequency Response: 10 Hz to 100 kHz
  • Noise: < -84 dB "A" weighted
  • Gain: 42 dB MM standard + 6 dB MM HIGH + 14db MC ( in TOTAL 62 dB or 56 dB as option)
  • RIAA Accuracy:  ± 0.4 dB
  • Channel Unbalance: < 0.1 dB
  • THD & N:  < 0.1 %
  • Input Impedance: Selectable (50,100,200,500,1k,2k) for MC, 47k as standard for MM
  • Stereo Separation: > 96 dB
  • Tube Complement: 10 x nuvistor low noise triode
  • Phase Status: (non inverted) 0 degree
  • Output Impedance: < 300 ohms @ 1kHz
  • Power Requirements: 100 VAC to 240 VAC @ 50 to 60 Hz, max. 60 VA
  • Dimensions: Main unit: 
    • 19" (483 mm) wide x 16.5" (420 mm) deep x 6.6" (168 mm) high
    • P.S. unit: 10.8" (275 mm) wide x 6.9" (175 mm) deep x 2.8" (70 mm) high
  • NET Weight: approx. 53 lbs. (24 kg) unpacked with cord-conditioner
  • TOTAL Weight: approx. 75 lbs. (34 kg) packed

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Kontaktinformationen des Herstellers für Fragen zur Produktsicherheit oder Compliance

NAT (Nikola Tesla Audio)



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