Audiomica Laboratory - Hemat Gold

 620 €
 760 €
 900 €
 1.040 €
760 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)
Lieferzeit: 5-7 Tage

Art.Nr.: Hemat Gold
Hersteller: Audiomica Laboratory

Hemat Gold is made of cables used in turntable arms. A combination of an active screen and a DFSS filter provide a great solution for low-level signal transmission. The cable consists of four wires; each made of 10 microconductors.
Thanks to its structure, the cable can transmit a lossless signal form a turntable to a preamplifier. It is crucial considering microcurrent differences between turntable cartridges.
The original cord is packed in a signed box. The box includes the certificate of authenticity, a brochure with the description of the series, a product code and a personal quality assurance.
Hemat Gold, musicality and amazing stereophony from your turntable system.
Verions available
Standard - DFSS Filter without Antistatic Coupler: Filter = DFSS
Premium - Option (Filter + Smart Coupler): Filter = DFSS
Luxury - Option (Filter + Smart Coupler): Filter = TFSS

   Conductors: Four OFC
   Screen: Active screen
   Wire dia./cross section: 4x0,22mm/4x0,04mm2
   Cable diameter: ~ 7mm
   Microconductors: 40
   Color: Black
   Series: Black Series

Informationen zum sicheren Umgang mit dem Produkt

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Kontaktinformationen des Herstellers für Fragen zur Produktsicherheit oder Compliance

Associated Audio Brands Paulina Mika

Stoneczna 2
38-300 Gorlice
Woiwodschaft Kleinpolen

Tel: +48535524835


Mehr Artikel von: Audiomica Laboratory

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