OePhi - Reference Lautsprecherkabel

 3.600 €
 4.350 €
 5.750 €
 7.200 €
 8.625 €
3.600 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)
Lieferzeit: 5-7 Tage

Art.Nr.: op-reference-ls
Hersteller: OePhi

For Ultimate Signal Transmission

With its Unheard Realism, Our new REFERENCE Speaker cable yet again moves the threshold of what is achievable in absolute speed, authority and clarity. With REFERENCE, the signal transmission takes another giant leap closer to absolute preservation of the source signal. Both bandwidth and timing accuracy ensure perfect integrity of the information. The word ‘reference’ stems from Latin where it means relation, carrying and bringing back. The Reference speaker cable is developed and built from the ground up to bring back the original recorded musical event in its purest and truest form. 

The REFERENCE SPEAKER CABLE redefines what speaker cables can achieve, bringing back the original while serving as the reference against which all others are to be measured.

Further optimised copper conductors, cotton damped air dielectric insulation. Improved geometry with minimal self-induction capacitance, Perfect phase behaviour with the lowest possible time domain smear. The REFERENCE speaker cable also features the new in-house developed and manufactured pure silver banana connector with improved geometry for unheard low inductance and at least 99.99% pure silver.  

Informationen zum sicheren Umgang mit dem Produkt

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Kontaktinformationen des Herstellers für Fragen zur Produktsicherheit oder Compliance



Tel: +45 26842530

E-Mail: info@oephi.com | oephicables@gmail.com

Mehr Artikel von: OePhi

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