Final Touch Audio - Ganymede Lautsprecherkabel

 3.600 €
 6.000 €
3.600 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)
Lieferzeit: 5-7 Tage

Art.Nr.: fta-ganymede-ls
Hersteller: Final Touch Audio

In creating the Ganymede speaker cable, we set ourselves a target to explore and use different types of materials than the rest of the industry is using and set us apart from modern trends.

Sometimes deviation from current regular practices and trends might bring tangible results, and our firm belief is that with the Ganymede speaker cable, we managed to achieve that. We decided to use a unique type of copper wire.

The combination of these copper wires has made the Ganymede cable a unique product on the market in terms of materials used, build quality, and, as a result, sound quality.

Mehr Artikel von: Final Touch Audio
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