Audiomica Laboratory - Genimedes Ultra Reference

 2.700 €
 3.000 €
 3.300 €
2.700 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
(Preis gilt für Versand nach Deutschland)
Lieferzeit: 5-7 Tage

Art.Nr.: Genimedes Ultra Reference
Hersteller: Audiomica Laboratory

The changes to the new modification of the speaker cable were influenced by a new design of the conductor and introduction of dual rhodium-plating technology in the DCP process.
The AML-ACP10 Rh plugs (both spade and banana) are made of brass, coated with a double layer of rhodium to ensure the best signal transmission. The plug body is made of non-magnetic antistatic material (POM-C AP50), which protects against overvoltages.
The new conductive base is made of four silver-plated copper wires. The conductors are protected against an electromagnetic field by a dense braided screen. The replacement of the previous design of two conducting wires enables manufacturing Bi-wire and Bi-Amp versions of the cable.
The new version consolidates the nature of Genimedes, which is characterized by an exceptional sound purity. Moreover, Genimedes received the antistatic coupler made of POM-C AP50TM from Acoustic Points, which protects the surface of the cable from micro electrostatic charges.
The coupler is mounted with a non-magnetic screw. The changes have initiated a significant redesign of the look and all Ultra Reference cables gained a new face and unique colour. View previous versions of the cable: first version

   Conductors: Four OCC, Silver-plated
   Wire dia./cross section: 4x1,82mm/4x2,62mm2
   Cable diameter: ~ 12mm
   Screen: 95% cover dense copper braid
   Microconductors: 4x140
   Plugs: AML-ACP10 Rh (spade/banana)
   Antistatic couplers: Yes (
   Single-wire: Yes
   Bi-wire: Yes
   Bi-amp: Yes
   Color: Red/White
   Series: Ultra Reference Series

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Kontaktinformationen des Herstellers für Fragen zur Produktsicherheit oder Compliance

Associated Audio Brands Paulina Mika

Stoneczna 2
38-300 Gorlice
Woiwodschaft Kleinpolen

Tel: +48535524835


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